Human Rights after 1945 Conference Report Published
Posted on 29 June, 2016 in1989 after 1989 Eastern Europe Globalisation Human Rights Post Socialism Rethinking 1989 Socialism

The conference Human Rights after 1945 in the Socialist and Post-Socialist World took place on the 3 – 5 March 2016 at the German Historical Institute, Warsaw. It was a collaborative conference between 1989 after 1989; the German Historical Institute Warsaw; Georg-August University of Göttingen and the London School of Economics. The aim of the conference was to highlight the role and historical agency of the socialist world in the history of human rights.
The conference report is now available on our conference pages and on Geschichte Transnational. It summarises papers presented across 6 panels covering topics such as state socialism, human rights and globalisation; how human rights is defined internationally; state socialist conceptualisation of rights and human rights; socialist foreign policy; transnational movements and flows; and political dissent in relation to the global history of human rights.
The importance of analyzing vernacular human rights, i.e. analyzing when and how people used human rights languages [5], was one of the leitmotifs of the conference. The issue of teleology and normativity in historical human rights research was another major topic. Consequently, many papers presented stories of failures that contradict positivist narratives and challenge policy-orientated narratives of democratic transition. Parallel to transnational and international human rights history, the role of the state in human rights history was another key issue of the conference. Bringing the state back in, human rights can also be seen as an element of legal history – a promising approach embedding the highly normative notion of human rights in a wider legal history context. This conference brought together scholars working on various regions and actors in a truly fruitful manner. It linked different approaches and perspectives on the history of human rights in a way that contributed to an urgently needed, more complex understanding of the socialist world’s role in human rights history.
Read the full conference report.
Post-Doctoral Positions with PanEur1970s at the European University Institute
Posted on 3 May, 2016 inEastern Europe GDR Post Socialism Socialism
Two Research Associate positions are currently available with the PanEur1970s – Looking West: the European Socialist regimes facing pan-European cooperation and the European Community, based at the European University Institute. This five year project is investigating the European Socialist regimes’ expectations and predicaments vis-à-vis the opening of a space of pan-European cooperation in the long 1970s.
Research Associate Vacancy: GDR and European cooperation in the 1970s (24 months)
Applications are now open for a research associate to study these debates in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) by exploring and analysing archival as well as published sources.
More specifically, s/he will do research on East Germany’s socialist elites’ views, policies, and ideas on the processes of European cooperation and integration in the 1970s.
The position will be for 24 months, starting from October 2016.
The appointed candidate will receive a monthly net salary of approximately 2500 EUR depending on qualifications and allowances (household allowance, expatriation allowance, travel allowance, medical insurance, and dependents’ allowances, if applicable).
Funding for research missions and participation to international conferences will also be provided.
The candidate will have a PhD in History (preferably international or economic history) or in a closely related discipline, as well as research experience on GDR’s archival records.
S/he will be fluent in German and have good command of English.
Knowledge of other European languages may constitute an advantage but is not required.
Research Associate Vacancy: Bulgaria and European cooperation in the 1970s (24 months)
Applications are now open for a Research Associate to study these debates in Bulgaria by exploring and analysing archival as well as published sources.
More specifically, s/he will do research on Bulgaria’s socialist elites’ views, policies, and ideas on the processes of European cooperation and integration in the 1970s.
The position will be for 24 months, starting from October 2016.
The appointed candidate will receive a monthly net salary of approximately 2500 EUR depending on qualifications and allowances (household allowance, expatriation allowance, travel allowance, medical insurance, and dependents’ allowances, if applicable).
Funding for research missions and participation to international conferences will also be provided.
The candidate will have a PhD in History (preferably international or economic history) or in a closely related discipline, as well as research experience on Bulgaria’s archival records.
S/he will be fluent in Bulgarian and have good command of English.
Knowledge of other European languages may constitute an advantage but is not required.
The deadline to submit applications for both posts is 31 May 2016.
More information and details of how to apply can be found on the PanEur1970s website:
GDR and European cooperation post
Bulgaria and European cooperation post