Workshop on Global Socialism and Post Socialism
Posted on 13 April, 2015 in1989 after 1989 Socialism

13 May 2015
The University of Exeter, Amory A239AB
Time: 9am – 6.15pm
All are welcome to attend our workshop on Global Socialism and Post Socialism which will be held on Wednesday 13 May, 2015 here at the University of Exeter. The theme of the one day workshop will be global socialism/ post-socialism and will include papers from the 1989 after 1989 Research Team and a number of invited speakers.
Papers will cover: re-conceptualising globalisation and the socialist world; the encounter between eastern Europe and the east Asian ‘tigers’ in the late Cold War; eastern European trade fairs as sites of global encounter in the Cold War; China and the idea of trade with ‘Third World’ and Yugoslavia and African engagements.
For more information about this event and to see the programme for the day please visit our Workshops page.